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Cape Cod Youth Flag Football

Cape Cod Youth Flag Football is an NFL Flag League based in Barnstable Massachusetts. CCYFFL is for BOYS & GIRLS, Kindergarten thru 8th Grade and is open to players of all abilities. We play 2 seasons, fall and spring.  Our goal is for the players in the league to have FUN while learning some of the basics of football, team work and sportsmanship in a safe atmosphere.


Playing Fields - Aerial View


Practices are not mandatory per the league. Some coaches my schedule practices, some may not


Mouth Guards are mandatory at all times while on the field
*Sold at the field for $5
Shorts or Sweatpants are permitted
No head gear including hats, headbands or bandanas
Eyeglasses are permitted only with a strap
Cleats or sneakers are permitted
Gloves are permitted